Chapter members, please submit articles or ideas for the next chapter newsletter to Submitting pictures would be great also.
Please send it in by the 10th of each month to be published in the following month’s newsletter.
Documents of Interest from the MN DNR - December 2024
President's Letter - November 2024
It’s been a busy year for me traveling the area going to DNR large lake planning meetings (Leech, Cass and Mille Lacs). Over all the lakes have a better than average bait and walleye populations. Muskies seem to be in good shape on Leech and Cass. Mille Lacs still has issues that hopefully will be addressed shortly.
Bemidji stocking ponds had a somewhat below average year, but still met stocking quotas for Bemidji, Elk and Mantrap. Big Lake fell short, but other state ponds have yet to be harvested at this time and we are assured that Big will get those fingerlings (682 needed to get to 1,050).
State Musky stocking plans
Hopefully sometime in January 2025, we will hear that the state money allocated to our hatcheries will be approved and updating the facilities will commence. RAS systems will be a focus to take 20 percent of the fingerlings raised and held over the winter in RAS tanks to get to yearling status (17 plus inches) to stock in mainly the big 3 (Mille Lacs, Vermillion and Minnetonka). Bemidji ponds also need a facelift but at this time no RAS tanks will be setup here. All yearlings will be pit tagged and studied over a 5 year span to study their success/failures. Our statewide DNR Fisheries frontline supervisors/managers are on board with this plan and express optimism that this will have a positive impact on the statewide muskie population. The Muskie Group has members from several chapters, business owners, MMPA members and dedicated DNR Muskie personnel from several areas around the state. Its important to support your local Muskie’s Inc Chapter as we have a voice, and can also provide club funds to help the DNR achieve our goals of an abundant healthy Muskie statewide fishery.
Thorne Brothers has also pledged to help DNR stocking ponds with netting to help with predation of the fingerlings/yearlings where possible.
Our annual Brian Truax Memorial Musky fundraiser will be June 28th next year. George’s Minnesota Muskie Expo will be March 7 thru 9, 2025.
President's Letter - September 2024
2024 Gil Hamm event concluded with Bemidji team 1 finishing second to Fargo. Congratulations to the Fargo chapter and we will wait to see where the 2025 Gil Hamm will take place.
Frank Schneider Tournament is this weekend, good luck to all.
The Jeff Young Memorial on Leech is coming up: Oct 5th thru the 6th.
Stocking updates: Bemidji fingerlings are at a chubby 7 inches. A little behind schedule, but with a few months to go, it is estimated they will be at 10-11 inches at stocking time.
Statewide stocking update: I have been to 2 meetings concerning the 10-year MN stocking plan. Though not official, it appears the DNR will try growing yearlings with fingerlings at its Waterville facility. The new hatching system is called RAS (Recirculating Aeration System) has been proven in other states to grow muskies and other species. The plan is to keep 20 percent of the fingerlings in November to hold over in RAS til the following November. Hopefully, these fish grow to 16-17 inches. Studies show muskies at 16-17 have a survival rate of 65 to 93 percent. It’s important to note that if successful, you won’t see stocking numbers of fingerlings as high (3000 in Bemidji), but rather 2000 fingerlings and 100 yearlings. Again, all is speculative at this time, but is looking promising as an overall stocking plan.
There is a tentative plan for a November meeting with the DNR on finalized stocking plans. Waterville will need to be retrofitted with RAS systems as well as to improve the current fingerling ponds at a cost between $20 -$26 million.
President's Letter - February 2024
Upcoming dates to have on the calendar…
- Georges Musky Expo in St. Paul 3-8 thru 3-10. Our chapter will be raffling off a pedestal box full of baits all weekend, stop and say hi. If you’re interested in getting in on a free pass and can assist help selling raffle tickets for a short time, call me at 612-590-9785.
- Our Annual Lure Auction is April 20th (Saturday) from 1pm to 4pm at Ruttger’s Resort. This is a great opportunity to get quality used/new baits and stuff for pennies. If you have baits to donate, all are welcome. We will have a guest speaker: Tim Norris from Sukharn bait company to kick it off. Get your tackle restocked, and please bring a friend.
- The Brian Truax Memorial will be June 15th, same lakes, Calvary Church again for food/raffle and good times.
- Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge August 21-23 on Lake of the Woods-Red Wing Lodge. Bemidji has 2 teams ready to the back the minnow bucket. If your interested in starting another team, contact me.
If you’re looking for more insider info on what’s going on in the Musky world, our chapter is looking for a few more individuals to join our board. Nothing strenuous, just looking for new ideas and others to pass along info to our members and the public. Thank you, and please be respectful of others on the water.
President's Letter - December 2023
Hope you had a safe successful season. We had a successful year financially for our club. Our lure auction, bait box raffle at the MN Musky expo and the raffle from our tournament (Brian Truax Memorial) added more to our club coffers versus the previous few years as we came out of covid. The 3 Bemidji DNR stocking ponds had another successful season, maintaining stocking levels for our area lakes.
We currently have 78 members, and are always looking to add new members. If your interested in learning more about club activities and would like to contribute a little time by becoming an officer in some capacity, please contact myself or another officer. We are always looking for new ideas and input regarding musky stocking, tournaments, fundraisers etc.
Key dates for 2024:
- Chicago Musky Expo is Jan 19-21
- Georges Musky Expo is March 8-10
- Milwaukee Musky Expo Feb 16-18
- Brian Truax Memorial June 15th
- The Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge is August 21 thru 23rd at Red Wing Lodge.
We will be adding more club dates for the lure auction, chapter outings, etc as they become available.
– Chris Thury, Chapter 46 President
Muskies Inc Newsletter - August 2023
I apologize for not communicating earlier, and most importantly for not putting out an outing schedule for this year. For this reason, the replica requirements for this year will only require to be a paid member in good standing. Currently, the fish to beat is a 50.5 incher.
The Brian Truax Memorial Tournament was a big success for our club both emotionally and financially. We had 98 anglers, with 18 youth. 11 fish caught with 8 over 40 inches (biggest 56.75″).
Due in part to our entry fees, plus private donations, we were able to give away 2 youth licenses, donate to Troop 82 for preparing our award ceremony meal, donate $1,200 to BSU Aquatic Studies and donate $500 to Bemidji Youth Hockey.
Upcoming events:
- Frank Schneider Memorial September 8th-10th
- George Wahl Memorial September 24th
- The Jeff Young Memorial Shootout October 7th and 8th
We are also looking for individuals to join our Bemidji/Cass Lake officer board. If you’re interested in learning more on what goes on behind the scenes in the musky world, give me a call. We would like to have more input on activities at our business meetings to further increase our membership and to have a bigger positive impact on the musky fishery.
– Chris Thury, Chapter 46 President
Muskies Inc Newsletter - April 2023
Use the following link below to view the Muskies Inc April Newsletter:
President's Letter - March 2023
Our grant submission to Hugh Becker to purchase minnow traps for Bemidji Fisheries was approved! Rory Potter and I went to K Traps March 1st and picked them up and then delivered that afternoon to Edie Evarts staff. This ensures our Bemidji DNR will be able to keep the 3 muskie fingerling stocking ponds flush with food for 2023 and beyond. Thank you George Selcke (chairman) of Hugh Becker Foundation.
George’s Muskie Expo is 3/10 thru 3/12 down at the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. I will have a Chapter 46 booth, raffling off a pedestal box. If you would too help please reach out to me. If you come down, check out “The One” bucktail, Supernatural’s bent lip baits, and all the new custom colors from your favorite bait companies: Suick, Mayhem, Musky Innovations, Beavers, Kramers, Chaos and more!
Lure auction 3/18 at Lazy Jacks from 1pm to 4pm. Bring a few of yours to auction, bid on baits you would like to try out. I will also have a few new baits to raffle off (from the expo). Bring a few friends!
Brainerd banquet is the following Saturday 3/25. Check their website for details.
June 17th will be our annual tournament this year. Check our website soon for updates on exciting news about this year’s event.
Chris Thury, Chapter 46 President
Upcoming Events for February & March 2023
Our February speaker presentation will be at Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge at 6:30 pm. Edie Evarts, Local Fisheries Supervisor will be there to answer any questions and Bruce Rauma from Mullet Guide Service & Tackle will also be there to present.
We are also having our first-ever Lure Swap, so bring some baits to trade or sell with the others. We hope to see you there!
Our Annual Lure Auction will be held in March this year at Lazy Jack’s restaurant near the Beltrami County Fairgrounds.
This is THE event you don’t want to miss! Fill your tackle box up for the new season for pennies on the dollar or if yours is too full, donate a few for others to enjoy.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Mark your calendar!
President's Letter - January 2023
It is with great sadness that we lost Brian Truax recently. Brain was highly respected in the muskie community and to those who met him, a great person. Visitation is Saturday January 7th at 11am, funeral at 1pm at Evangelical Covenant Church 5405 Highway 2 west, Bemidji Minnesota.
You can view his obituary here:
As we plan for 2023, here are some dates to put on your muskie calendar:
- Chicago Musky Expo: 1/20 thru 1/22
- George’s Musky Expo: 3/10 thru 3/12
- Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge will be on Lake Vermillion 8/22 thru 8/25 hosted by Brainerd Chapter.
- Our annual lure auction/guest speaker fundraiser will be 3/25 @ 1:00pm to 4pm at Ruttgers Resort.
More to follow as we ramp up speaker meetings and other activities.
President's Letter - July 2022
Quick update on DNR stocking, fry have been introduced to Bemidji ponds and so far so good. With the late spring, the fry are a little smaller than usual. The DNR have plenty of feed for now, I will monitor and be available to the DNR for any additional funds they may need.
Thank you again to all that participated in our annual tournament.
Outings schedule is on the website, so grab your events calendar or your phone or some post-it notes and go fishing.
As always, be respectful of others on the water.
President's Letter - April 2022
To read the April 2022 President’s Letter, please click here:
President's Letter - March 2022
It was sure nice to finally have the George’s Musky Expo. Big thanks to Paul Hartman for getting this venue together. The new location at the Minnesota Fairgrounds had great reviews. Easy to find, great parking, lots of vendors and a better overall environment. Big thank you to John Swartz as he and I raised via our tackle box raffle $965. Chuck Haugle was the winner, thank you to all that participated. In addition, we also received 2 donated ½ day guide trips from Outright Angling (Phil Bauerly) and also from Team Mullet (Bruce Rauma).
Our next fundraiser will be April 9th at Ruttger’s 1-5pm. We will be raffling off the guide trips, as well as many high end baits. However the main draw is our annual auction, where anglers bring in their used baits and tackle for others to bid on. Many baits go for a few dollars (which are donated to the club) so it’s a great time to get tackle for a minimal cost to fill up your tackle box, plus meet great people to boot. If you haven’t been to Ruttger’s lately, it’s time to see the updated resort and restaurant.
Our 24th annual tournament/fundraiser will be June 18th. This year, we will be holding an awards presentation with food (included in your entry fee) at Calvary Lutheran Church @ 2508 Washington Ave SE. A great location, and we are using the Boy Scouts to prepare and serve food again. Hope to see many of the familiar faces that have attended this event over the years. Feel free to call me any questions.

Raffle Winner – Chuck Haugle
President's Letter - December 2021
Here is an overview of what’s going on at Bemidji/Cass Lake Muskies Inc Chapter 46
- Edie Evarts is our new Bemidji Fisheries Supervisor. She contacted me to tell me that our 24th annual permit for our June Tournament on June 18th 2022 has been approved.
- Ted Sledge is the new Regional Fisheries Manager.
- The 3 ponds run by Bemidji area DNR did well again this year, total of 3,332 fingerlings. We also received fingerlings from other state ponds totaling 1,509. Stocking breakdown: Elk 152, Bemidji 1,862, Plantangenet 1,479, Big 1,104 and Little Wolf 244.
- Muskie Expo 2022 is March 4,5,6 at the State Fairgrounds. We are booth #202.
- We are in need of a secretary to take notes and to be involved in club business and activities.
- We are currently at 81 members. If your membership has expired, please consider continuing. If your not a member but are interested, please contact me via phone or email.
- Replica big fish contest, currently at 52 inches, please get your entry’s logged in by 12/30/21.
October 2021 Newsletter
October 16th Outing – Cass Lake Chain – 7am-5pm
November 6th Outing – Bemidji Chain – 7am-5pm
For all outings, please text Kurt Olson (320-260-8581) or Chris Thury (612-590-9785) if you are going to fish these events. |
September was a busy month with both the Frank Schneider and Gil Hamm in the books…
Frank Schneider Tournament:
- 410 anglers participated and registered 66 Muskies over 40 inches and over .
- 1st place James Hanson (2019 winner) boated 5 Muskies on Lake Winnibigoshish. He won a week trip to Red Wing Lodge on Lake of the Woods and a rod and reel from Abu Garcia and Berkley line.
- Junior winner was Jack Dincau with 3 Muskies from Big Lake
- Top ladies, Shannan Dryer and Christine Schmidt received Ladies Bonus cash.
- Shannan Dryer was first person to register a 50.5 inch Muskie. She was awarded a replica courtesy of Lax Reproductions.
- 3 grand prize winners, Mike Palke, Shannan Dryer, Chase Whitney each were awarded $3800.
Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge:
1st Place – Fargo Team 2 with 51.25 points
2nd Place – Twin Cities/North Metro with 44 points
3rd Place – Bemidji Team 1 with 24.75 points
4th Place – Fargo Team 1 with 12 points
Big fish Steven Voss 52.25” from Fargo Team 2
Patrica Lesetmoe, Chapter 46 Secretary
August 2021 Newsletter
August 21 Outing – Mantrap Lake – 6am-9pm September 2 Outing – Wild Card (any lake) – 5-9pm September 10-12 – Frank Schneider Memorial Muskie Tournament September 14-16 – Gil Hamm Chapter Challenge |
For all outings, please text Kurt Olson (320-260-8581) or Chris Thury (612-590-9785) if you are going to fish these events. |
Gil Hamm Agenda:
- Headquarters: Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge
To register a team, send $70 per team to:
Bemidji/Cass Lake Chapter 46
1312 Carr Lake RD SW
Bemidji, MN 56601 -
Monday, September 13th – 6PM registration and check in, orientation meeting, rules and schedules, Big fish Pot registration and merchandise sales.
Tuesday, September 14th – 6AM-6PM fishing time, 6:30 dinner 6:30-8:30PM fish registration, Leader board update.
Wednesday, September 15th – 6AM-6PM fishing time, 6:30-8:30PM fish registration, prize raffle, leader board update.
Thursday, September 16th – 6AM-12:30PM fishing time, 12:30-2PM fish registration, 12:30-2:30PM lunch, 2PM fish and big fish submission deadline, Award Presentation, Hamm Lunge bucket ceremony, Big fish pot Award (person must be register in big fish) Largest Muskie by length wins big fish. (in case of tie first muskie that was registered wins)
Please bring USB cord to download pictures to laptop for registration and for slide show.
Be safe and carry an extra propeller.
Patrica Lesetmoe, Chapter 46 Secretary
July 2021 Newsletter
2021 EVENTS July 22 Outing – Bemidji Chain – 5pm-10pm July 24 Outing – Wild Card (Any Lake) – 6am-9pm August 5th Cass Lake chain 5PM-10PM August 7th Pike Bay 6AM-9PM September 10-12 – Frank Schneider Memorial Muskie Tournament September 14-16 – Gil Hamm Chapter Challenge |
Please text Kurt Olson (320-260-8581) or Chris Thury (612-590-9785) if you are fishing these events. June 19th Tournament results

Congratulations Nick Amberg (age 10) 1st place 49.75 inches. Pictured above with his dad who netted the fish. Due to drought condition, many lakes are down a lot this year, please check the landings in advance. Be safe and carry an extra propeller. We would love to see your Muskie pictures, please send them to us so we can post to web site. Patrica Lesetmoe, Chapter 46 Secretary |
June 2021 Newsletter
2021 EVENTS June 19 – Chapter 46 Bemidji/Cass Lake Muskie Tournament Click here to download the TourneyAngler tourney code and phone instructions. Please practice using the app before the tourney. All of your practice photos will be cleared out before the tourney. July 1 Outing – Lake Plantagenet – 5pm-10pm July 10 Outing – Big Lake – 6am-9pm July 22 Outing – Bemidji Chain – 5pm-10pm July 24 Outing – Wild Card (Any Lake) – 6am-9pm September 10-12 – Frank Schneider Memorial Muskie Tournament September 14-16 – Gil Hamm Chapter Challenge |
For all outings, please contact Kurt Olson or Chris Thury if you are going to fish these events. Remember our mission is to promote Muskie Fishing, especially to our youth. If you get a chance, take a kid Muskie fishing this year. The pictures and smiles are priceless! Patrica Lesetmoe, Chapter 46 Secretary |
April 2021 Newsletter
2021 EVENTS May 1 – Muskies Inc. Chapter 46 Lure Auction 4-6pm June 19 – Chapter 46 Bemidji/Cass Lake Muskie Tournament September 10-12 – Frank Schneider Memorial Muskie Tournament September 15-17 – Gil Hamm Chapter Challenge |
Welcome back to another great year of Muskie fishing. While Covid-19 restrictions had held us back this last year, things are easing up slowly. We will be able to hold more events this year. Our first event this year will be our Chapter 46 Lure Auction, May 1st At Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge from 4-6 pm. Due to restrictions, we can only have 45 people at this event. If you would like to donate lures you can bring them the day of event or call chapter president Chris Thury (612-590-0785). This will also be a membership drive, so if you know someone who would like to become a member please invite them. The DNR will again be raising Muskies in ponds, and as in the past, Chapter 46 will be donating funds to support this. Patrica Lesetmoe, Chapter 46 Secretary |
Annual Lure Auction - May 1, 2021
We are having our annual lure auction this year at Ruttgers Birchmont Lodge on Lake Bemidji. Due to COVID restrictions, we have to limit attendance to the first 45 people through the door. Be sure to arrive on time to get yourself a seat!
January 2021 Newsletter
2020 was challenging to say the least: Here is a status report from chapter activities. The chapter basically broke even for the year. We didn’t have our usual big fundraisers: April auction and our June tournament. For the Gil Hamm event we were able to cover most expenses with help from National Muskies Inc. Membership in our chapter declined slightly, but national membership increased. Big fish replica went to Alex McLean with a 55-incher.
Our Bemidji DNR has had very good success with their 3 stocking ponds. However these ponds weren’t utilized in 2020 due to covid. The DNR had such success in 2019, that the excess went to 2020 planned lakes in our area. The DNR is hopeful that missing a year won’t have much long term effects on our area lakes. Even more important to practice safe release of any muskie caught.
Our 23rd annual Bemidji/Cass Tournament is on for June 19th, 2021. We are evaluating using the Fish Donkey app for this tournament, due to covid and because fishing apps seem to be the trend moving forward for all fishing events. If you have suggestions or input, please let me know. Hopefully we can have an actual in person award presentation, with food and raffles. We will have to wait and see. Things that wont change is we will still give away a youth license for paid entrants under 18 years of age and a scholarship donation to BSU Aquatic Studies program.
The Gil Hamm Memorial Challunge will be held again on the Bemidji/Cass Lake chains again. The dates will be September 15th thru 17th, headquarters at Ruttgers again.
Finally, if you were a member at one time, please consider becoming a chapter member once again. Please sign up on the MI website.
Chris Thury, Chapter 46 President
*Past issues of our newsletter can be sent upon request. Please contact us for details.